off to a....start
today my training calendar said "30 min jog/walk" so I decided to follow the jog three-walk one program from saturday (yes, I'm really trying to ease my body back into this since I'm even more out of shape than I had realized...ugh!). i'm out of town right now, so this workout took place in a small, hot, hotel fitness room. at first i was incredibly frustrated as i was pounding away so loudly on the treadmill that i was worried that i was disturbing the other exercisers! i didn't used to have that problem...or maybe it's not as obvious in a big, crowded gym. i think it means my core and quad strength is diminished and those parts of my body aren't doing as much of the it looks like weight training will need to be part of this equation as well. (lucky for me, i have a trainer of elite athletes in my family to get some help with all this! : ) so i cranked up the iPod and eventually found something of a stride and made it through. i have a ways to go, i realize, but as my mom said the other day, you can't do anything about yesterday -- you can only do something today. so i'm happy that i ditched the free food and open bar reception at this conference and did the right thing today. and my reward is that tomorrow is an off day! : ) ~j
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